Monday, November 3, 2014

Important notice for all mice and other residents at 5554 N. Reserve Rd



It has come to the management's attention that there has been cavorting going on in this house.  This carrying on and the attempts to procreate (and any practicing)  must cease immediately.  I understand togetherness and all that and how it is lonely in Northern Michigan and  that the nights are cold and long and that you long for companionship but making an Amazon box into a love shack is just too much.   Playing house?  Really.  And those packing peanuts that you shredded?  Do you know what is in them?   No more canoodling, snuggling, cuddling, smooching, stroking, nuzzling, doing it, or even holding paws/feet/hands/tails in this house.  IT IS FORBIDDEN!!!

Of course, like all punishments, this will hurt and affect me far more than it will you. As a good leader, I (obviously)  lead by example, so I, too, will (continue to) refrain from canoodling, snuggling, cuddling, smooching, stroking, nuzzling, doing it, or even holding paws/feet/hands/tails in this house.

This edict is in place, unfortunately, for the foreseeable future.

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