Sunday, June 28, 2015

Arts and crafts, part two...


Today's project was a workbench--a recent auction find, it was filthy and if you touched it, it left stains.  I washed and I scrubbed and then scrubbed some more.  The water at first ran black, then after  four times with Murphy's oil soap and a stiff brush, I felt I made some progress.  One more time and the rinse water was clear.  Yay!

This will never be a piece of fine furniture, but it is pretty useful.  I love old work benches and while this is cleaner, I don't think that I ruined its character.  There are paint stains and gouges, and blood stains.  OK, no blood, but it has been used.  There are initials and a date faintly scratched on the back.  RB, Nov. 1947.  RB worked hard and the table shows that.  Maybe it will even inspire me.

Flowers are from a survey of my yard.  The tiny, tiny purple ones are on a ground shrub.  When I say tiny, each blossom is less than a 3/16  inch across.  The unopened one is a mystery--just a lot of potential.  As always, click on the photo to make them larger

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