Sunday, July 30, 2017

Birds and other things

OK, I know it has been a bit since I posted.  What usually drives the blog are the photos that I take, and so I need to actually take a photo or two so I have something to post.  That hasn't worked out too well as of late, though, as always, I hope to do better.

Today was a photo safari to a nearby park  Wildlife abounded, as they say, and the highlight was a hunting heron.  Stately and slow moving, she ate well and at least two fish met their demise and her gullet as I observed.  It was amazing to watch.  I am not sure how she could even see the fish through the green muck but she apparently had no problem.    Life is hard.  I felt like Marlin Perkins--remember?  "While Jim is wrestling with the horrible heron, let me tell you about whole life insurance..."

Other animals seen were of course other birds, a fat little muskrat, and a giraffe.  Well, not really, but it was fun out there.  And there were flowers along the way.  It is high summer here and it was more than sad to see that some of the flowers were a bit ragged as was one Monarch butterfly.  Tattered or not, they all were beautiful.

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