I know, no more sunsets. What can I say. This was taken at one of the local parks on Friday afternoon. It is such a different thing to have an ocean as a visual component of photos.
It has been a difficult time at work these past few weeks. We are planning for a major budget cut, and my job is changing in a direction that not only do I not like, but in a way that is very different from what I signed on for. I don't know what to think about that at all. I am trying to work through this--I like so much of my job and many of the people that I work with and I love the area. But I want to do what I was hired to do or thought I was hired to do. It has been difficult, as I have found out that I am very emotional about this, and it has made for some interesting meetings--as I have said to others, it is personal, and my personality is part of the larger discussion. It has made me think about what I have been upset about, and it really is that I am angry about the change in responsibility, not in the diminishment of authority. Career wise, if this goes the way it is being described right now, I will be a director, basically reporting to or at least on an org chart below a chair. Much more difficult to lead from that level. Not impossible, but certainly more difficult.
So I get frustrated by that, but then I simply run across a scene like the above photo. Perspective is a funny thing, eh? Especially when it comes up and smacks you in the head...