It has dipped into the 20s several times these past few weeks, signaling the end of fall-like weather if not the actual end of fall. It is hard to imagine that it is already November. Brrr.
I looked back in the almost 400 posts on this blog and though it covers almost three and a half years, it seems that this is the year for fall colors--certainly the yellows and oranges and reds of the season have populated more posts this year. I am not sure why--availability, probably. Last year I was in Italy for much of fall leaf season, and I guess that does trump pretty leaves.
But not by much. We have had an exceptional fall for weather and for colors. And these colors have lingered. Though I lament that fall is, well, failing, in reality it has hanging on far longer than it usually does. A few days of (fall) wind and rain with end their tenure, but until then, it has been nice to drive around and see splotches of blaze orange that aren't armed with high- powered rifles.