I was at Byerly's this evening, finally getting my lunch/supper, and I saw these flowers. I know, you are bored of flowers and who cares and all that? I sometimes feel that way, but then again, you can always have a conversation with flowers, and other than dying now and again, they are pretty decent companions But I am bored, too. These just intrigued me because they looked like they would last awhile, but more about that in a bit.
You know, I wrote a ton more, but who cares and what does it matter? The important part of the whole blog is just this. I took lots of photos, and the hardest, most challenging photos were of the less-formed buds, the pictures of the things that were not as clear, but pictured only as a potential of what they might be. Or not be. Maybe they will last a while or a long time and they will beautiful and be loved by all. Maybe they will be dead within a week. Will they die if I am impatient? Maybe it will take longer for them to flourish. How long can I wait before I just toss them? What I know for sure these buds will be different in a week than they are right now. I am just as sure is the fact that there probably isn't a single thing that I can do to make anything different. To mix platitudes and butcher them, "it is what it is," and "whatever will be, will be."
It is a challenging moment, as I want to water them and nurture them and help and ask "what do you need?" and "what can I do to make it easier?" and "what are you thinking?" I am guessing the flowers don't care all that much what I want to do or feel the need to do.
Oh well. Maybe the flowers are enough, even if they do die in a week.
PS, and very personal PS. I wen to the doctor today for a totally different reason, but came back with some challenging news. I found out that I have a 99.9% chance that I have skin cancer on my face. I have a spot that is about the size of a pea that needs to be gone, and if the comparative pictures are to be believed, it is most likely not the good kind of spot. No matter what, it will take a melon baller to get rid of this, and she identified at least four other areas of concern. She didn't cut this out because she realized that while my face isn't much, , an inch long scar or a divot isn't an attribute or improvement, even for me. I have that to look forward to in the next few weeks or as soon as I can get into a dermatologist. See your doctor, use SPF 50 when you are watching soccer or whatever, and be careful out there when it is sunshiny.