Saturday, August 25, 2012

Changes, endings, and beginnings...

I think about how little I have blogged these past few months and I struggle to fully explain, even to myself, why that it.  If you look through the almost 400 posts from the past four years, I tend to blog far more when I am stressed, sad, or troubled.  I think that is more because photography is such distraction and a fulfilling part of my life that I at least tend to take pictures and post them in challenging times.

I don't know how or why I have lost that these past few months--I could have used that distraction and some fulfillment as there have been some significant changes and endings in my life.  Certainly the most challenging is where (and with whom) I live.  I have thought a great deal on how to say this, and I had some help in figuring out how to say it like this.  "I don't share my/a house/home with my former significant other-type person."  This has necessitated me moving and settling into a new house and all that this means.  Heck, I guess  one reason I haven't taken any pictures is that I couldn't even find a camera for awhile.

But as always, there are new beginnings that happen only with loss and changes.  I do have a new place to live and (slowly) I am making it more than just that. As I have written before at other turning points in my life, I am safe and warm and healthy and and and--I am ok and I will be even better with time.   I am wiring new pathways in my brain and heart to help me figure out where I want to go from here, and those new pathways are allowing me to learn new things, big and small.

I have always loved sunflowers, and they do provide comfort.  Better yet, they provide a good starting point on all these new pathways.  Hey, I found my cameras--who knows where all this will lead?

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