Thursday, July 25, 2019

Flowers, just flowers

So I have a lawn.  Well, I share a lawn.  And flowers.  But I planted many of these and grew them from babies.  Well, not really but some of these are from seeds which is pretty cool.   It is so cool that I am actually blogging after almost forever.  I would have done this sooner, but it takes a long time for flowers to grow, you know.  Maybe I might even try this again before fall leaves are as colorful as these flowers.

I have no idea what most of these flowers are.  I tend to identify growing things into larger grroups, like "grass" and :"trees" and, of course, "flowers."  Please click on the phtos to see larger images.  All were taken with a Canon 7D MarkII and a 100mm 2.8 Macro lens.

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