Of course I live in Whatcom County, and there is a Lake Whatcom, Whatcom Falls, etc. I went for a walk today along Lake Whatcom. Again there is tremendous potential for more (and better) photos from this venue. Wow, physical activity two days in a row--it wasn't like I ran anywhere, but you have to start somewhere.
If nothing else, it shows that we still have a bit of green around. Where I walked is a micro climate, of which we have many near Bellingham. Here, while cool, it is some kind of a coastal rain forest, as it is by a quite large lake. So the ferns are green, and with so many types of evergreens, there is almost always some green. So there is the balance to the fact that it rains a zillion days a year and the clouds are around your shoulders for days on end. Hey, be happy, its green out there!
But the many waterfalls which are balm to the soul and for me, an instant cure for gray days. Of course, there weren't exactly waterfalls in NW Ohio, though a friend has made some fantastic photos of waterfalls located in other parts of Ohio. But it is therapy to stand in front of some of the falls that I have seen in the past two days. For some reason, when water falls more than 30 feet, or hundreds like the one above, it generates a sound slightly more soothing than one of those little fountains in your office. Music for your soul.
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