This was a weekend of mixed activities, but a very enjoyable one. I spent some time in the city on Saturday and that was great. The Walker Arts Center provided a great break on Saturday afternoon, and while I don't think that I would buy or steal any of the art on display, it is sometimes good to see what you don't like! Maybe I am too concrete in my artistic vision but I just don't get it.
Today was a work day, but I took time to check out a Craigslist posting for some type. I ended up with several fonts and had my first type accident when I dropped a whole font. I guess I will get some practice sorting type sooner than I thought. I also ended up with leads, furniture, reglets, and assorted other things that apparently you need to make this work.
Oh, I also bought another press. I know that you are thinking that I am crazy, but the guy I bought this stuff from was even more touched in the head with all this printing stuff. Only my resolve (and those 22 steps up to my apartment) kept me from buying even more type. I was ready to leave while still under budget, when he said, if you want, for an insanely small amount, you can take this Sigwalt 6X9 press home with you, too. This is at least a $1500 press and it is about eight times the press I need. I keep buying presses that are in better condition, and this is complete and ready to use. Now, all I need is ink! The list of what I need does keep getting smaller, just like my checking account.
Of course, the truly crazy can justify pretty just about anything, and I proved that today. I sold a camera yesterday that helped pay for most of this, and I will sell my Kelsey 5X8 to help come back up to even. Plus, I would have needed $400 or more for rollers and a chase for that press, so I am actually saving money. Really. If nothing else, I spent about 1/4 of what all of this is worth, so at least this hobby might pay for itself, even if it is only when or if I would sell this.
I will take pictures of the press once I figure out how to get this beast into my apartment and set up my press room. Until then, just a few other "types" of pictures.
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