As mentioned, I was aiming for the Crosby-Ironton 4th of July parade. These two contiguous towns are on the edge of the Iron Range, and officially "up North." The parade route is about 1.75 miles, and the "paraders" start in Ironton and finish in Crosby, which officially is the big town, though only 2,250 souls call it home.
The parade featured lots of fire trucks and surprisingly no bands. It didn't seem like a real parade because of that, but it actually wasn't that bad of a parade. I parked in Crosby at the end of the route, and walked back to the start of the parade in Ironton and then walked back to my car, so at least it was good walk on a great fantastic wonderful holiday weekend weather.
Here are a few views of the parade and people. It is all predictable parade fair, though I was a bit surprised by the "for sale" sign on the fire truck. Is it that bad out there?
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