It isn't like I have done nothing, or that I have just sat on my (growing) backside. There was the end of the semester, the holidays, the beginning of a new semester, work in general, and all of that stuff. But I also was a participant of sorts in buying a house, getting it ready, and then moving into the house. I know, how is that for an "oh, and by the way" statement. There may have been a few understated thoughts about life-changing moments in that sentence. And they would all be true. And they would all be positive, too. Imagine the changes, from shoveling snow to painting for the first time ever to changing an occasional diaper to having someone to come home to every day to sopping up water from broken pipes to consolidating and sharing things and space.
It hasn't been entirely easy. The phrase, "old dog, new tricks" comes to mind. And probably not just to my mind. This is the first time that I have shared space full time with someone since 1997. Certainly that has been by choice and by circumstance and by necessity, but that is a long time, or at least long enough to make the transitions noticeable.
But in all the changes and in between the coats of paint and the dripping water and the things lost and misplaced and in the clutter of a move to a new house, something has happened. We are making a home out of this house, a home that will evolve and grow (and be more organized) in the future. It is good space, and I am glad to be in it, and I am glad we are in it.
I have taken very few photos, but here are a few that I have made. There are few of the house, and there are others of the recent foggy days. Hopefully more will follow in the next few weeks.
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