Monday, August 24, 2015

Back to school

It is my first day of school, with all its fun!  Where is that teacher?  Yes, online classes start today, too!  No, you can't start your class in two weeks when your kids go to school!  Please sign the 70 contracts NOW!  And so on.  So why not procrastinate a bit and write some poetry?  I wish I could take the time to write a 14 line sonnet, but first I would have to learn how to do that--I am a dean, not a vice-president--I don't have that much time!

So the first annual (my journalism friends will hate that) fall back-to-school Haiku contest is now underway!  Get published!  Earn the respect of your peers in this peer-edited blog! Exercise and/or exorcise your creative demons!  Or simply procrastinate, like me, and submit your very own fall/back to school Haiku.

The backpack has been thrown down.  Do your best.  All will be published.

New backpacks, new shoes
crisp paper, sharp new crayons (or Empty notebooks, new pencils)
It's a new school year
Summer is fading
The school year pushing it away
Fall comes, unwanted.

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