Sunday, June 16, 2013

!@)(#&$m birds...

I was awoken early today, say about 5:10, by some stupid, rowdy bird who was a tweeting and cawing and make all sorts of other noises.  I think it actually brought along its whole family or its teenage garage bird band.  Oh well.  It allowed me to get up early--I actually got some things done, had some coffee and was out taking pictures by a little before 7AM

I saw the photo of the canoes a yesterday but it was too late in the day.  I am not sure if it worked out but it was the scene has potential.  Now I need to be there even earlier, say about 5:45.

The rest of the day was productive--my house, or what amounts to it, is cleaner and more organized than it has been.  I suspect that I could even find something in my garage, too.

Yesterday I went to an auction--I have been to several of them lately, and they have been fun.  I have done pretty well on them.  I have had a lot of fun, and even made a few bucks.  Yesterday's auction was goofy--I bought a foil, in case I ever fence again.  What can I say?  I was feeling nostalgic and remembering my college fencing class.  I didn't win the escargot set--honest, there was an escargot set for 8.  I should have bid--they are just hard to find when you need a few extra grippy things for slippery shells.  Oh, I also bought a few DVDs, mostly because the box had a new copy of the Princess Bride.  Best of the box was the four DVD set of Carman Electra's Aerobic Strip Tease workouts.  You know, pole and lap dancing for fun and fitness and all that.  If anyone wants these, let me know.

Tonight I cooked.  I had bought a paella pan recently, mostly because I just wanted to try something different.  I put it it to use and and made paella with shrimp.  It was pretty good--I ate it while sitting outside, watching a storm pass just to the south, and then watching the sky clear for a great sunset.  I tried a new wine, another white wine, a Washington State white that was pretty good, which is saying something for me, since I don't like white wine.

The pictures are what they are--nothing great, but most are from my early morning walk.  The clock was another auction find, and the sugar was from the diner where I ate breakfast.  No artificial sweetener there--just a waitress who called me "hon" and a cook in a white t-shirt named "Pete."

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