Tuesday, January 21, 2014

My demise is somewhat over-reported...

Despite only three or four posts in the last three or four months, I am not dead nor have I stopped taking any photos or thinking deep or shallow thoughts.  I have just been a bit busy and more than a little preoccupied with that life that goes on around me.

I like to say I am transitioning, but I think that implies that I have somewhere to transition to, and that isn't exactly the case.  My job in St Cloud ended, with all the challenges that entailed, at the end of the year.  It was a long good bye by any standard.  I knew that the College was reorganizing and "going a different direction" that didn't include me since July--I fulfilled the terms of my contract and then some and worked through the end of the year. That was not without challenges but as I have said before, how you leave the room is sometimes as important as how you got into the room.  All in all it worked and it was made mostly bearable by some of the great people that I worked with.

So right now, I am not sure where I might be transitioning to.  In many many ways it is wonderful to say that I could go anywhere in the country or world for an adventure, and that not many people can say that.  I can, and that makes this job search easier--I don't exactly have to stay in the greater (?) St Cloud area, and trust me, my search is pretty broad and spans continents.  But there is some cost to be able to say that, too. 

As I transition to wherever/whatever, I will try to include others more than I have these past few months.

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