Saturday, February 27, 2016


For those of you who hate birds, or at at least tired of them, here is one of my other neighbors.  Remember it from a few days ago?  No furtive sneaking around now!  It made several trips the buffet line of mixed nuts, each time stuffing its mouth and then running off to hide another helping of a future dinner.

A few thoughts.  First, if you ever want an almost impossible exposure problem try shooting a back-lit coal-black squirrel against a bright white background.  Secondly, I did not know Mr. (or Ms.) Squirrel had such long and sharp claws. That reminds me of when I was a 4H camp counselor and we told our 5-6 year old campers that they couldn't go our at night because of Bushy the Squirrel.  Bushy, who by the way was huge and roamed the woods around the Beaver Creek Reserve, would catch  them and, of course, steal their "nuts."  Hey, it kept a cabin full of little brats in their bed at night!  It was almost as scary as Lips, the Killer Carp.  You know, the one that kept them out of the ponds and stream...

Now that I think of it, I am going to make sure my door is locked tonight, too.

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