Thursday, September 18, 2008

Politics, but worse than usual...

I have refrained or resisted from overtly referencing political issues in this blog, but I am angry right now. Those who know me and perhaps care do probably know that I am, as I was once referred to, "a heathen liberal." And that is the edited reference! I have been struggling since the Palin/McCain ticket came to fruition--not in the seven presidential elections I have experienced has there been such an awful vice presidential candidate. The historian in me can justify and show that there have been few vice presidents in history who have been so unqualified, professionally or philosophically, to hold this office. That is a lot to say, since the vice presidential stable has included a traitor, more than one drunk, and several real live convicted felons.

I am so upset by the hypocrisy. This "focus on the family" candidate neglected to share birth control to thousands of Alaskan youth as she favors "abstinence only" advice for these kids. Oh, and she forgot to tell her daughter about it, too. She screams, along with her handlers who are actually hiding her from the press, that family is a personal thing, and that the American public can't comment or ask about her family. I would agree with this, except for the hypocrisy. She has made having five children, including one with Down's Syndrome, a key part of her resume and her qualifications for office, and has paraded them all at campaign appearances. She notes that she is an agent of change, but seriously, does anyone who knows anything about Alaska politics think it anything but corrupt? What, she changed the culture of 60 years of statehood and 150 years of its ties to the US in 18 months of office? She hasn't even been in the capital for more than nine of those months, but at home, 600 miles away, for more than 300 of those days.

I could go on and on, but what burns my buns the most is the incredible and undeniable double standard with which most Americans (and way too much of the media) are applying to her candidacy and her, well, person. I have struggled to put this into words, but Steve, who by the way finally posted, linked to this site:

It is all about white privilege, and most of all, how this privilege has grafted rosy tinted glasses on her supporters and on many who are supposed to address political races with skeptical cynical eyes, and seek the best, most talented people, not political litmus tests, for our leaders. Wait!!!! Isn't that the job of all of us?

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