Tuesday, April 7, 2009

happiness, right in front of your...

I think it is kind of funny to have a theme of happiness—how can you really write on that?  Especially since it is not necessarily a happy time.  The budget is dismal, the job cuts are painful and both will be worse.  My life, all in all, has had happier moments.  This job thing is starting to weigh heavily on my mind, and lets just say that I have easier times with communicating with a friend or two…

            So why write on this?  I was told to, sort of.  Today I ran an errand or two at lunch and after the post office, I ate at the gourmet Hawaiian Bar-b-que and Noodle Shop.  Really.  Hey, it is by the post office!  How bad could it be?  Aren’t all the best restaurants near post offices?   Don’t they almost garner legal status just by being that close?  After eating what was called but didn’t pass for Katsu Chicken, I opened my fortune cookie (do Hawaiian’s end their meals with fortune cookies?  Who knew?)  to read the following:  Look for happiness in front of your. Not so sure about why it said your rather than you, but the sentiment remains the same.  Look for happiness in front of you.

            I am not saying it is easy.  The world outside can sometimes overwhelm a soul—managing the constant crisis mode can wear and erode one’s hope and happiness, not to write too passive of a sentence.  But then I think of all that is pretty good.  The last two days have been spectacular spring days, with 70 degree plus weather and great skies.  Yes, I might be sneezing and wheezing a bit because of the pollen, but I will take it—how much did it snow in Wisconsin and Ohio?  I know, it is supposed to rain for the next few days, but it does make me happy today, and it is right in front of me. 

            It is also the start of the semester, and the campus is filled with happy optimistic faces starting the term.  No one seems that mad, yet, and though it is a hectic with lots of people, it is always fun.  That, and of course, those attractive young men in short shorts…Just Kidding!  Let’s see if you really do read this.  But it is great to see any college campus in the spring—I think that anyone who has spent as much time on college campuses as I have would have to agree.

            Even the things that challenge me are not real barriers to finding happiness right in front of me.  Yes, I am worried about the job thing, but I am employed for 5 more months, and I received three decent leads on jobs today.   And while I might be challenged in my communication with a friend, I am pretty sure that things will settle down and hopefully work out.

            A friend told me today that in her life, she is tired of adventure dating, and that she was looking for something or only for something longer term.  This is a very understandable and perhaps admirable sentiment—I think that it says more about life than dating. I have to say that this kind of reminds me of the saying that perfection is the enemy of progress.  If we wait for perfection, or hold out only for that, then we miss the happiness right in front of your.  Or right in front of you.  There is enough out there to see.  

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