Sunday, September 14, 2014


Living in the wilderness has allowed me to commune with nature a bit more than I have been used to doing.  I have told you about the mouses and turkeys and the wasps, but I haven't mentioned seeing countless deer or the occasional bear.  In fact, I see the bear (a bear?  It is hard to tell them apart) every few days on my way to or from work.  I wish he/she was on the far side of my commute but I see "it" within a mile or two of my castle.  Hmm…

I have done pretty well so far.  The mice seem to have been conquered for now as they regroup for future attacks and the winter.  A bit of shock and awe wasp spray seems to have done the trick with those guests.  The dear deer have avoided my grill and the rest of the car, and if I can only stop them from crapping on my driveway, I will be fine.  Nothing starts your day off right besides getting in the car and realizing that your loafers smell like deer poop.  Right now, it is Jason one and turkeys zero, though there are so many of them around that I am not sure that total will stay so low.

It is kind of fun.  Last night, I saw something that I haven't seen before.  I went out about 11PM to try my luck at taking photos of the night sky.  While I was setting up, I heard a slight scuffle, and I turned my Maglite towards the noise.  What did I see but a beautiful black and white cat!  It had a big fluffy tail, and had unusual markings of a white stripe or two down its back.  I like cats.  This one was so cute. It sat almost next to me, within 5 feet for about 15 minutes just watching me.  Who would let such a pretty cat be outside?  Poor kitty.  Then I saw several other kitties with it.  Strange, but they all had that same marking and they had really pretty tails.  I bet I could get one as a pet if I am patient.  That would take care of the mice!

I love the wilderness.

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