Monday, January 19, 2009

Along with the idea of we are what we eat...

As they say, "Phat"  I am sure that this is the exact word that people would use, as in cool, hip, etc.  Or maybe it was fat.  And fuzzy.  In the past month, I have grown a beard.  Lots of reasons, I suppose.  One reason is that I can.  Not physically, but I can at work.  This place is a whole lot more casual that my previous place of work.  Two of the three vice-presidents have beards (thankfully the third doesn't--she would look awful) and I can easily get by with wearing a tie a day or two a week, and jeans at least on Friday.  And no one looks at you as if you have dog doo doo on your shoes if you do come to work casually dressed.

For those of you who remember me or knew me 25 years ago, I had a beard for several years.  It went with the "Animal" persona that I so carefully cultivated.  Remember Animal from Lou Grant?  Well, I digress.  My beard then was red, and soft and curly.  I was, of course, pretty hot and cool.  Yeah, that's it.  Anyway, this is the longest I have had a beard since probably 1985.  And now, my beard is gray and bristly.  I am not sure how that happened.  I am not sure if the beard will stay.  It is kind of a protest thing, but if I am going to protest, I suppose that I have to figure out what I am protesting about.  It is hardly a fashion statement, but I thought that someone might like (and laugh) and perhaps smile at the images.

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