Thursday, February 10, 2011


I am writing to whine...I fell this morning, and all my not inconsiderable bulk (-: landed on my back in my parking lot. It probably set off the seismic sensors at the college! I wish I could say I did this while I was trying to save the three year old and her cute puppy from a speeding bus, but alas, I fell while taking out the trash. I know, pretty glamorous, eh? What a dashing fellow am I. A friend immediately asked my about my hip--I am getting older, you know.

I don't think I damaged my hip, but at the least I bruised ribs and perhaps cracked one or two. I vaguely remember the feeling from the distant past and wrestling. My body is still doing the self assessment thing to see if it is just sore or seriously damaged--right now it only hurts when I breath or try and sit up or stand. This would be inconsequential if I weren't planning on walking with a backpack for five days, and of course to get there, I will be chained to a plane seat for 8+ hours. A little worried about this. At the least, my Motrin bill just went up. This will change my trip, but I am hoping to salvage it. I will just move more slowly!

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