Thursday, August 21, 2008

More photos...

As I mentioned, I did take a regular film camera, a significant medium format camera that weighed 10 lbs. and that has incredible resolution and lenses.  My new lab, however, had some challenges.  It processed my color negative film as color slide film.  Ooops!  It altered the color dramatically and in some cases to the detriment of the photos.  Some "artists" do this on purpose.  I am far too much the realist to ever do this with a photo.  Still,  you should be able to begin to see the quality of the photographs, even from these scans of the corrupted originals.  Some are kind of cool!  The top photo is of Picture Lake and Shuksan, one of the most famous photos of the region.  I am very interested in taking more wild flower photos.  I see real potential in these photos.

So, Saturday, weather permitting, I am going to do this again.  I promise not to, as one of my audience said, "whine like an old lady" and do this with a bit less drama.  I am still not sure if I can become a vegan, which was their other suggestion!  I might not take as many digital photos but I will bring my medium format and a 4X5 camera.  More photos soon!!!

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