Monday, August 4, 2008

Time is relative...

I always thought that I had a pretty good internal clock and an innate sense of time.  After all, most of life has been centered around measures of time.  Nine minutes in D-76 and 6 minutes in the fix, or 50 minutes or 75 minutes of class.  Geez, I even collect watches.  That said, I have to admit that I am totally confused with the time changes as I move west.

Admittedly I did sometimes get confused with the hour difference between Wisconsin and Indiana as some of my phone correspondents can attest.  I know that I sometimes called too early or too late even then.

But now I am simply clueless.  I am in Mountain time now, two hours behind Ohio, one hour behind Wisconsin, and one hour ahead of Washington time.  My watch was set on Ohio time, my computer on Central time, my Blackberry varies on whether it gets an upgraded digital signal or the older Verizon network, the clock in my car is on Eastern time and 17 minutes fast, too, and I took my watch off to even out my tan on my left arm as it hangs out of the window as I drive.  And I still have one more hour to lose.  Or gain.  I might as well be just looking at the sun, or waiting for the noon whistle.  I don't know when bedtime or breakfast is, and I suspect that I won't for some (sorry) time.

So expect calls some time, maybe too early or too late, and I think that I will expect the same for a while.  

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