Sunday, January 31, 2010


So I have a place to live...I never have rented a place sight unseen, though a friend did check out and vet the place. I trust their word and vision completely , and when I got the word that I should probably rent it, I signed on. Of course, what people say and see from a distance is always different than reality. Still, I don't think that I am disappointed.

So what can I say about it? It is pretty big, though not as huge as I thought it would be. Three bedrooms, a very large living room, a kitchen and dining area, a laundry room, one bath, and a huge deck, though to be honest the deck isn't that much of a draw right now, as it was -12 this morning. It is downtown, though about a 1/2 mile from the truly desirable side of downtown. Though let's be honest here. Downtown St. Cloud is not downtown Chicago or even MSP. It is above a thrift store, and a long 21 steps up from the street. As the last tenant was elderly, it actually has a chair lift to avoid those stairs. One of my friends pointed out that would be a "chick magnet" if nothing else, though another friend pointed out it might ease moving books up the stairs. I mentioned that I was getting older as were perhaps any potential dates-they might like that I have a chair lift!

The apartment is, to be honest, dated in its decor. That may be a bit kind, but it is bearable. The carpet, well, think of your grandma's carpet, or really, think MY grandma's carpet, just so we are talking about the right generation. The kitchen has wall paper, but it is wall paper of blonde paneling. Scary. The bathroom is black and salmon pink. I was shocked when I turned the lights on and the chrome florescent lights were pink. Really pink. I suspect that if I cut myself shaving, I might not notice until I got to work. It is funny--as "digital" as I am, there is nothing digital in the apartment. The timers on the washer, dryer and oven "tick" when you set them.

Those are the negatives. It is light, it is clean, cheap, the heat is paid, and it has some character, and it has potential. I don't have to decorate it overnight, and the landlord seems willing to help with the glaring things. My bedroom has two windows and it has a ton of closets. I think the deck, even with the summer pests, will be pretty fun. Did I mention that the heat is paid? I think that the living room will make a perfectly adequate studio, and the third bedroom an adequate place to stash my two cameras and a tripod or two. There is a ton of wall space--I think I might know someone who might add a picture or two for the walls. Lastly, did I mention the heat is paid? I will be safe and warm and I am certain I will over time make this a home.

A friend expressed concern that I will go to every auction and antique store and clutter and overfill the place. First, if nothing else the 21 steps will dissuade me from spontaneous purchases of Eastlake furniture. Time and money and hopefully taste will pace the rest of my decorating efforts.

It more than meets Maslow's first two or three levels of what one needs. I will post photos soon so all you might comment.

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