Sunday, November 18, 2012

Half full

It is Thanksgiving, more or less, , and today I made my thanksgiving dinner.  I have to admit that today's dinner was a bit different than what I had hoped for and wanted for a Thanksgiving dinner.  Dinner was green chicken curry with vegetables and tender Basmati rice--good,  but a far cry from turkey, cranberries, and mashed potatoes that were filled with butter and cream.   That is ok.  Curry is probably a  better meal for one, I guess.

I think about past Thanksgiving meals and my heart nearly breaks.  Today's was both more and less than I had hoped for.  Certainly I am safe and warm and good--there is plenty to be thankful for.  Still, I think of past thanksgivings, recent and even those further back.  I think of those I cooked, and those which I shared and they were equally meaningful.  I think missing either type of dinner makes this one hard, even though I do like green curry. None the less--how can they compare?

I don't know.  I got a magnet for my birthday for  my fridge that said "Some say the glass is half empty, some say the glass is half full.  I say, are you going to drink that?"  So what do I do?  Complain about my glass being half full or celebrate what parts of my life are still more than half full?  Or just drink?

To be honest, my last few thanksgiving dinners were more than I expected or planned for--clearly my glass was more than half full these past few years.  Several years ago, I received a paper plate full of turkey and dressing, a simple meal that meant more than most--clearly my day was more than half full that day.  So despite a perceived or possible deficit this year, I think that over the past years, generally my glass is more than half full or my plate was very full.  I have to remember that it during during these days of green curry.

This year I am heading west, to Washington, for Thanksgiving.  I leave for Seattle on Thanksgiving day, and will be somewhere on the Washington coast or rainforest on Thursday.  Perhaps dinner that day will be a turkey loaf sandwich from a gas station.  But  who cares?  Generally, my glass will still be way  more than half full, no matter where I will be.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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