Saturday, June 20, 2015

Port Wing

I am "Up North" and let me tell you, it is hopping around here.  About 50 miles to the west, Grandma's Marathon has populated the region with skinny people with bright slinky running gear.  Trust me when I say that there is some contrast with the local flannel and jean crowd.  There is a considerable difference in socio-economic levels as well and this shows up in a variety of ways.  The number of fancy SUVs now greater than the number of pick-ups, for example.  And I heard some one asking what wines the local pub had…considering the wine list (that was in chalk on the wall) listed the wine only by colors, white, red, and pink, I bet that they were disappointed.

I was in the local to celebrate the other reason why Port Wing was hopping.  It is the the weekend of the (locally famous Testicle Festival.  Who would want to miss that?  It (should I say them?) becomes a menu item as well as reasons for drinking and to sell t-shirts.  You know, t-shirts with catchy sayings like "have a ball at the Testicle Fest!" or "The Testicle Festival:  Home of the Sac Lunch."  I kid you not.    I wanted to ask if all this was to "Honor (e`) de Balzac" but I perhaps this was the wrong crowd for the reference.

Otherwise, the weekend is filled with work.  I spent most of my time grubbing about trying to clear a spot for a deck, the pieces of which will be delivered on Monday.  Today was very wet and rainy so that slowed me down.  That means tomorrow will be busy, but the first day of summer promises to be, well, summery, so that will help.

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