Sunday, May 17, 2015

Whatever, part II

It is as simple as this:  I am not cut out for manual labor.  I was partially convinced after last week's blacksmith class--I swung (swang?) a two-pound hammer for most of three hours and my arm was spaghetti-like by the end of the evening.  Earlier this week I started on my latest project, one that truly just needs a strong back.  My landlord asked me to fill in  low spot where he had removed a shed.  I calculated that I would need about eight yards of black dirt to accomplish this and the pile of dirt was delivered. I started the other night and today I really attacked it.

Well, I tried.  Though I felt virtuous for the hard work and honest sweat, my four hours of shovel work didn't complete the task.  Notice I said felt and not feel.  The good feeling passes, I think, when you stop and try and do something else, like taking a picture.  These were taken before shoveling because after 20+ wheelbarrows of good black dirt, my arms weren't steady enough for pictures.  What a wimp.

And I am still not done with that _!)@*!@# pile of dirt!  I think I am about 2/3s done with it.  Oh well.  Exercise for another day.  If I keep this up maybe my butt will no longer be the size of Kansas.  I'm aiming for Connecticut...

The photos are of a bush/tree/shrub right in front of my door.  The potential blossoms were about the size of a pea.  The magenta flowers were from another bush/tree/shrub that is also along the house.  The other photo is of more hostas, I think.  If I am getting the identification correct on these, I have 11 different kinds--I felt proud of that diversity until I looked them up and found out that there hundreds of different kinds.  My yard isn't even on any list as some people collect them.  Who knew?

I am done with that work today and have to do other work.  That's ok.  At least I don't usually need a shovel for my normal work.

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