Wednesday, March 12, 2014

More from the road

I am at the Dhaka airport, but I am not sure what means in terms of progress getting even close to home.  First, they canceled my ticket(s) because I was a no show on my scheduled flight to Bangladesh.  I did mention to the airline rep that I did indeed make my flight and provided evidence that I did get to Bangladesh by stressing that I was standing in front of him.  After more than an hour they were convinced that I was indeed here and that they should try and get me home.  Mind you, I was at the airport at 3:15 to have this conversation.

That is not really in doubt though the when part is uncertain.  My flight to Abu Dhabi is late, and thus I would miss the Abu Dhabi to Chicago leg.  So they booked me to JFK, but I think that I will be late for that as well, but even if it is on time I will barely make the flight to Chicago.  I don't know.  I tend to avoid JFK, but can you make it from the international terminal, pick up your luggage, get through customs, recheck your luggage,  and make it to a domestic flight in 45 minutes?  I am a bit doubtful but I will give it a try.  Of course it is somewhat of a moot point, because I can't catch my flight to MSP, since that leaves hours before I would land in Chicago.  At the earliest I will get in to MSP tomorrow about noon.  Plus, any bets on where my luggage might be?  :)

This is part of the challenge of this position--getting there and back is a challenge of no small import.  I suppose, since it is about 12,000 miles away from MSP, I am really on the other side of the globe.  Could I burrow through?  That's doubtful, too.  In the mean time, I am providing lunch for mosquitos, something that the Dhaka airport is famous for.  Who knew?

More from along the way if I can

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