Sunday, September 16, 2012

More mountains

Today I made it up the Skyline divide trail, at least to the meadow at about the two mile mark.  I always tell myself that this is a better more fun kind of exercise than the treadmill, and it is.  It is not, however, easier.  It is a steep, long climb, especially for an older, former beach volleyball  player and actually the climb (walk)  down was not any easier.  The four mile almost four hour trip was tough--I seriously thought of turning back several times.  But I persevered, which is what all mountain climbers do, I guess.  It is also what an almost 52 year old, far too sedentary and job focused man who is sometimes crazy in the head and heart should do.

I am glad I did it.  The views were spectacular and the day was without peer--if people knew or believed that the PNW had days like this, it would be evan more crowded.  It was 70 and sunny, and while it was a little hazy from all those fires, it was just a stunning day.  The fence was from the early morning misty drive.  The others are self explanatory--I like the hazy shots of Shuksan, but I don't know which one I like better, so it is like the fence--you choose the best, delete the rest.

Tomorrow is largely a travel day, and it's going to be by the time I get back to my bed.  I have had a great time out here, and it has been a good trip.  In my world, processing time for all that floats onto your plate is very scarce.  When it does happen, it happens at a personal cost of a sleepless night or a distracted day or both. It was good to sometimes process first, then do/live the rest of your day and this trip allowed me some processing time.  Certainly little has changed.  Some things still suck, not to put too fine a point on it, and some things are manageable, even when it all doesn't work out on anyone's schedule. I ate well, slept too little but well, and did some things that I have wanted to--the only thing that I haven't done is to spend a lot of time by the water, but I traded the mountains for that.  I will run/walk on the trail that goes along the water front tomorrow morning, so I will get my fix or that fix "fixed" at least a little bit before I go.  If I find a photo, I will post one from the road.

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